YES4Q | Passion for QUALITY Training and Consilting Services
TestCrunch 2024

TestCrunch 2024

March 26th to 28th
12+ Speakers
Brno, Czech Republic
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Welcome to the Biggest
Testing Conference

Since 2015, the TestCrunch conference is the greaTEST conference in the Czech Republic and Slovakia region. Join this community event where the brightest minds in software testing converge to explore the latest trends, share insights, and push the boundaries of what's possible in quality assurance.
Our mission is to create a dynamic platform where industry leaders, professionals, and enthusiasts can come together to exchange ideas, gain new perspectives, and propel the future of testing.

About Us

Why you should join TestCrunch 2024

Enthusiastic Top-Class Speakers

Get ready to be inspired! TestCrunch brings you a stellar lineup of enthusiastic top-class speakers who are not just experts in their fields but passionate advocates for pushing the boundaries of software testing. Gain insights, immerse in discussions, and leave with renewed enthusiasm.

Best Experience

TestCrunch guarantees an unparalleled experience. From cutting-edge presentations to hands-on workshops, every moment is crafted for the best learning and networking opportunities.


Forge lasting connections at TestCrunch with professionals, industry leaders, and like-minded enthusiasts. ngage in meaningful conversations, share experiences, and build a network that goes beyond the conference.

Modern Venue and Delicious Catering

Experience the TestCrunch in a modern, state-of-the-art venue complemented by delightful catering. Enjoy a conference that engages your senses.

Meet New People

Expand your horizons by meeting new faces from various backgrounds. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey in software testing, engage in conversations with diverse perspectives and discover new opportunities.

Feasible Prices

Access quality education at affordable prices. TestCrunch is committed to providing value without compromising on speakers, venue quality, or overall experience.


The Speakers

Alexandra Alvarová

Author of the book Feeding the Demons, Kanárci v síti podcast author.

Miroslav Bureš

Researcher and innovator in test automation for complex and mission-critical systems.

Michal Drajna

Playwright Enthusiast

Josef Holý

AI Guru, podcast co-host @ /

Vladimíra Horáková

Process manager, Capacity planning magician, Team coordinator and Mother on parental leave in one person

Filip Hric

Teaches testers about web development and developers about testing.

Hana Jadavan

Agile influencer and lecturer.

David Janota

Long-time QA director focused on informal and agile environment, AI fan, guitarist and frontman of a company band „Steenovi famózní práskači do bot“

Petr Šokin

Agile delivery leader

Miroslav Ořeský

Quality Assurance Guru.

Radim Daniel Pánek

Long-time developer, tester and trainer of future principles of web application testing.

Ondřej Pohl

One of the three Certified Professionals in Web Accessibility (CPWA) in the Czech Republic.

Szilárd Szell

DevOps Transformation Lead, Senior Consultant at Eficode | Test Coach.

Jana Vítek

Advocate for better leadership, mentor of career development, self-development, and future management.


Event Schedule

  • Workshop Day

    March 26, 2024

  • Conference: Track 1

    March 27, 2024

  • Conference: Track 2

    March 27, 2024

  • Testathon Day

    March 28, 2024

14:00 - 18:00

Miroslav Ježek

Unicorn Systems

Workshop: JMeter & AI (CZ)

Sign up for innovative workshop, bringing together Apache JMeter and artificial intelligence! Throughout this event, we will focus on advanced AI applications for generating JMeter code, efficient creation of test data, and enhancing the overall workflow with Apache JMeter. Get ready for inspiring discussions and practical examples that will open new perspectives in the field of not only performance testing.

"Generated by AI" using prompts by Miroslav

14:00 - 18:00

Matěj Groman

Kentico Software

Workshop: Bezpečnost v moderních webových aplikacích (CZ)

Na workshopu budete mít možnost vyzkoušet si, jaké to je být security testerem v Kenticu. Na naší aplikaci Xperience by Kentico si na příkladech vyzkoušíte nejčastější zranitelnosti webových aplikací, jak je identifikovat a jaký vliv mohou mít zdánlivě drobné chyby na celkovou bezpečnost aplikace. Během workshopu vás čeká osm úkolů, jejichž řešení bude úplně na vás. Ale nebojte, pokud se budete trápit, pomůžou vám členové našeho security týmu a ukáží, jak postupovat při hledání security chyb.
Na workshop si prosím přineste vlastní notebook, ideálně už s nainstalovaným Burp Suite Community, který se nám bude v průběhu hodit.

14:00 - 18:00

Robert Batůšek


Workshop: User Story Mapping (CZ)

In this workshop you will learn the method and will practice it on an example. You will learn to avoid the trap of jumping into technical specifications too early and practice phrasing your stories in a business language that will allow developers to clarify the implementation details with business people, business people to prioritize the stories and propose incremental delivery, testers to prepare test strategies and UX people to design user interactions.

09:00 - 09:10

Jiří Charvát

Comedian and moderator

Úvodní slovo

09:10 - 10:00

Alexandra Alvarová

Expert on propaganda and disinformation

Keynote (CZ):
Kulturní válka a kult: Proměny digitální propagandy ve 21.století

10:00 - 10:40

David Janota

Head of Digital Assurance, Ciklum (CN Group)

Pod kapotou neuronových sítí (CZ)

Co je to vlastně umělá inteligence a strojové učení? Jak a proč funguje neuronová síť, jak se dá natrénovat? A hlavně, dá se to použít při testování a pokud ano, jakým způsobem? Přednáška Vás provede trošku tajemným světem neuronových sítí a pokusí se Vám nastínit možnosti, jak je inovativně využít k efektivnějšímu testování softwaru a jak se připravit na potenciální revoluci související s umělou inteligencí.

11:10 - 11:50

Hana Jadavan

Agile Influencer

Jak pohnout krávou: využití agilních technik pro dosažení toho, po čem v práci toužíte (CZ)

Praktické tipy a jednoduché postupy, jak využít technik známých z agilního prostředí, technik přesvědčování, práce s lidskou psychologií a osobním marketingem k tomu, aby si QAs dokázali nastavit své pracovní prostředí tak, aby v něm pro ně byla radost pracovat.

11:50 - 12:30

Jana Vítek

Studio lead at Accenture Song, mentor at

The future of the work environment (CZ)

Management has struggled with the work setup since the Covid cases decreased. Many companies push people to return to the offices or try the hybrid setup. Is there a good solution to it all? What the future work environment look like? How to build relationships and company culture? Let's take a look at it from a different perspective - the generational difference. What the generation entering the job market is going to need and how to work with them. How to build an inclusive work environment that lasts and provides effectiveness and satisfaction in upcoming years. The last but not least - how to prepare management for the digikids - the future employees who don't know an offline world.

13:30 - 13:40

Jiří Charvát

Comedian and moderator

Úvod odpolední části

13:40 - 14:30

Josef Holý

IT Expert, Podcast co-author @

Keynote (CZ): Hacking mysli

14:30 - 15:10

Ondřej Pohl

Accessibility Director @ ACTUM Digital

Keynote (EN): How is Web Accessibility tested, and why is it important?

Ondřej will talk about, among others:
• What is Accessibility, and why is it important?
• Is it mandatory, and for whom?
• How is Accessibility tested? (guidelines, methods, tools, outcomes)
• Examples from specific tests (audits)

15:40 - 16:20

Miroslav Ořeský

Quality Assurance Guru

Slasti a strasti vizuálních automatických testů (CZ)

Vizuální testy, často nazývané také screenshot testy, zaznamenávají vzrůstající popularitu. Jsou však skutečně ultimátním řešením, nebo existují nějaké nevýhody, o kterých bychom měli mluvit?

16:20 - 17:00

Miroslav Bureš

System Testing IntelLigent Lab, CTU in Prague

Will AI replace human testers? (EN)

With the current AI and ChatGPT hype, many testers ask - is AI going to take our jobs? The talk aims to explain how AI actually works in test automation, what is possible, what might be possible in the near future or 10-year horizon, and where humans are simply not replaceable by the nature of the problem. So, no worries, AI is not taking your jobs, at least when we care about real reliability and safety. But after the talk, you may perhaps better understand what AI can replace and why.

09:00 - 09:10

Jiří Charvát

Comedian and moderator

Úvodní slovo

09:10 - 10:00

Alexandra Alvarová

Expert on propaganda and disinformation

Keynote (CZ):
Kulturní válka a kult: Proměny digitální propagandy ve 21.století

10:00 - 10:40

Szilárd Szell

DevOps Transformation Lead at Eficode

SAFe Quality Assurance Practices for Cloud Infrastructure - case study (EN)

Usually large enterprise organisations are selecting SAFe to initiate their digital transformation. The organization starts a multi-year journey where old habits are challenged, and new ones are expected to emerge. How can Test Managers work in the new frame? What Quality assurance processes and practices to be applied? What practices to keep, and what to change? Who will be responsible for what in testing, and anyway how this whole thing will come together?
• QA Lead is not a role in SAFe, but seeing it as an Architect will give a lot of benefits
• Understanding of three layers to build a company wide CI/CD approach; roles and practices, the value flow within CI/CD, and tooling
• Backlog management practices for Quality mindset

11:10 - 11:50

Vladimíra Horáková / Michaela Hermann

KBC Global Services

OnDemand Software Testing Team (CZ)

To be more productive and efficient using human labor in the era of automation and AI? Let's take a look at benefits (but also the struggles) of a remote OnDemand team, where mothers on parental leave play the main role.

11:50 - 12:30

Petr Šokin

Agile Delivery Leader @ DIRECT pojišťovna

Quality Engineering in the Agile Era: The Direct Technologies Story (CZ)

This talk delves into the modern approach to testing at Direct Technologies, where the focus shifts from traditional testing to quality engineering. We'll explore how incorporating Agile methodologies company-wide, not just in development, and integrating Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) processes, revolutionizes the quality assurance landscape. Join us to discover how Direct Technologies redefines the role of quality in software development.

13:30 - 13:40

Jiří Charvát

Comedian and moderator

Úvod odpolední části

13:40 - 14:30

Josef Holý

IT Expert, Podcast co-author @

Keynote (CZ): Hacking mysli

14:30 - 15:10

Ondřej Pohl

Accessibility Director @ ACTUM Digital

Keynote (EN): How is Web Accessibility tested, and why is it important?

Ondřej will talk about, among others:
• What is Accessibility, and why is it important?
• Is it mandatory, and for whom?
• How is Accessibility tested? (guidelines, methods, tools, outcomes)
• Examples from specific tests (audits)

15:40 - 16:20

Filip Hric

DevRel @

The road from hell called end-to-end tests (EN)

The entire testing community has agreed that end-to-end tests need to be written sparingly. But even those few tests can make serious wrinkles on the forehead. Like Dante's Inferno, end-to-end tests have their 9 circles, in which thousands of testers around the world suffer daily.
In each circle there is a different kind of suffering. Whether it is constant work with selectors, abstraction or reproducing bugs, anyone who has worked on end to end tests knows them well. While going through tester hell, we also stop at integration into CI systems, unstable tests and data management. But let's take a closer look at the sins we commit against ourselves, such as trying to automate everything, black-box testing, or the constant battle between testers and developers.
However, our journey will not be just an excursion into tester suffering. From each circle, we will go together for the beacon of hope and tell each other how to escape from the hell called end-to-end tests. We'll look at how to keep end-to-end tests healthy, how to debug them effectively, and how to effectively create collaboration between the tester and development team.

16:20 - 17:00

Michal Drajna

Playwright Enthusiast

Playwright - the future of test automation? (SK)

Explore the revolutionary world of test automation with Playwright, Microsoft's modern open source framework. You'll discover its power and possibilities. The talk will focus on its wide use for reliable testing of web applications in different browsers and on different platforms, from e2e testing to visual or API testing. Find out if Playwright can be the future of test automation.

09:00 AM - 03:30 PM


Cancelled for this year.

404 - No system for testing found.


Choose a Ticket

Student Day Pass

Sold Out!

400 Kč 484 Kč

€ 16 € 19,40

without VAT / incl. VAT
  • Conference Ticket
  • Free Lunch and Coffee
  • Experts Contacts
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Sold Out!

Regular Pass

1.500 Kč 1.815 Kč

€ 60 € 72,60

without VAT / incl. VAT
  • Conference Ticket
  • Free Lunch and Coffee
  • Experts Contacts
Buy Ticket
Sold Out!

Full Pass

2.000 Kč 2.420 Kč

€ 80 EUR € 96,80

without VAT / incl. VAT
  • Conference Ticket
  • Free Lunch and Coffee
  • Experts Contacts
  • Networking Social Event
Buy Ticket

Official Sponsors

Our Gratitude to Sponsors: TestCrunch 2024 is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors. Their commitment not only helps make this conference a reality but also plays a vital role in keeping it affordable for attendees. We deeply appreciate their dedication to advancing the field of software testing.
Become a Partner: We're still on the lookout for partners who share our passion for quality assurance. Whether you're a local business in the vibrant Brno region or a national company with a keen interest in software testing, we invite you to join us. Partnering with TestCrunch is not just about sponsorship; it's about forging lasting connections, contributing to industry growth, and being a part of a dynamic community. We are open to various forms of collaboration and welcome discussions on how we can tailor a partnership that aligns with your goals. Let's build something extraordinary together.

General partner

Krone Consulting

Organized by

YES4Q | Passion for QUALITY

Platinum Partners

Kentico Software KBC RWS Unicorn

Gold Partners

Novanta Yunex Traffic

Silver Partners

ČSJ OKsystem Solarwinds

Media Partners and Supporters

ISTQB ISTQB Conference Network itSMF Testing United Black Insomnia Coffee Pepper Field Phrase Worm Up

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© Copyright 2024 YES4Q | Passion for Quality.


TestCrunch 2024 is a 3-days event comprising of workshop day (March 26th), TestCrunch conference day (March 27th) and Testathon day (March 28th).

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Where & When?

TestCrunch 2024
March 27th
Hotel Passage, Lidická 23, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic